How Work/Life balance effects weight loss


Is lockdown a reason to give up on our goals?

Or seeing as these lockdown aren't going anywhere, shall we take them as time for opportunity?

Our next Weight Loss Challenge will be kicking off on 12th July, just in time for the end of lockdown*

I want to explore with you the Top 10 Reasons People do the Challenge. If 1 of these reasons hits your next goal, then it's time to sign-up!

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Firstly, for the record, the Weight Loss Challenge, is NOT just about losing weight (as it's name suggests).

Generally speaking, 90% of our challenges lose some weight during the 8-weeks, however some will lose 2kg, some up to 12kg! But everyone's body shape is different, and similarly everyone's goals are different!

So, let's explore reason Number 1...

Create a better Work/Life Balance

With more of us working from home, it can be easy to get sucked into the void of emails, deadlines and virtual meetings. Your work becomes your home and your home your work, this in itself can breed unwanted habits. Before you know it, your prioritising that final check-list item, over your health and wellness, and we're telling you now, that is the least productive thing you can do - for work, and for yourself. Whatever it is, it will still be there tomorrow!

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If you're feeling stressed and unhappy at work on a daily basis, before thinking about whether that job is right for you, first take a step back and look at your work-life balance.

There's a multitude of studies that have proven that exercise reduces stress (one of the main reasons we tend to work overtime) so that's one tick for exercise and the work-life balance.

More interestingly, studies have also shown that exercise between work can also increase our self-efficiency and confidence (Clayton, R. (2018) Balancing Life: Seven Strategies That can Help you Achieve Work-Life Balance. Florida: Work-Life Insights Press.).

This will mean when you go back to work, those big problems will seem a lot smaller and easier to manage. Your sense of accomplishment for completing your workout, carries with you to the work place, giving you a greater confidence to tackle the day!

The challenge has set Strength and Conditioning classes up to six times a week (we recommend at least 3/week). The set times of these classes will make you come away from your work and dedicate at least 1-hour to you making yourself the priority.

We guarantee that a Strength and Conditioning class will relieve stress, give you a massive boost of self-confidence and act as a 1-hour distraction from your work smart device!

So, if this sounds like you and you're unhappy or stressed due to overwork. The next Weight Loss Challenge is for you. We promise to help you find your balance.

The next Weight Loss Challenge starts Monday 12th July, register interest via the button below and one of our team will be in touch.

*If the next lockdown is increased, we will start the first week of the challenge virtually or post-pone depending on the updates.