Food and Immunity

Next up on our Immunity series to keep you well this Winter is food and immunity!

At Freshstart we’re lucky enough to have a Kelly Richardson, as not just owner but also qualified Master of Nutrition. Kelly runs The Gourmet Nutritionist, and has been helping men and women to improve their nutrition and relationships with food for the over 10-years.

Food & Your Immune System

No amount of broccoli, garlic or lemons are going to prevent you from getting COVID or the Flu. There are no quick-fixes for the immune system and no single food addition that will keep you virus free, but there are lots of beneficial foods that have great antimicrobial, anti-viral and inflammatory properties which can certainly benefit your health more than dried pasta.

Broccoli is rich in vitamins K, C & folate. Consuming just 100g of broccoli can provide you with 188% of your daily recommended intake (RDI) for vitamin K, which can help lower your blood pressure (also helping to combat extra stress!)

Lemons & other citrus fruits are a great source of natural Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. 100g of lemon can provide up to 88% of your daily recommended Vitamin C. We know that Vitamin C contributes to your immune defense by supporting various cellular functions. We suggest starting your day with 1/2 a lemon squeezed into a glass of water and adding a serve of glutamine. You can use the other half over your fresh salads or vegetables later in the day.

Ginger is another powerful antioxidant we can use to help boost our immune system. Studies have shown that ginger helps to kick the immune system into action. You can add fresh ginger to hot lemon water and also grate it into your curries and smoothies.

Blueberries & Berries are fruit rich in Vitamin C. They’re also a quick healthy snack you can eat on the go keep frozen and add to your morning smoothie! Blueberries are particularly beneficial as they contain anthocyanin, a flavonoid with antioxidant properties that play an essential role in the respiratory tract immune system - essential for the fight of COVID-19.

Garlic has been used for centuries as a food ingredient and a medicine. Garlic contains compounds that helps the immune system fight germs. It is the compound allicin which is present in raw garlic and is thought to boost the immune system. We love to use raw garlic in our salad dressings & dips. If you’re feeling brave you could also crunch on a raw clove!

Fresh food in general is going to be far better for your health and wellbeing than packaged food. Aim to:

• Eat 500-700g fresh vegetables and fruit per day, fresh is best but if not, canned, dried or frozen is perfectly acceptable.

• Eat coloured fruit and vegetables, the bigger the variety the better. Think about eating the rainbow!

• Add herbs and spices to all your meals, they are packed full of beneficial properties. Spices can be added to simple staples to add nutrients and flavour.

• Have quality fats each day from nuts, seeds, avocado, fish oil, olive oil and coconut oil. Avoid vegetable oils that cause inflammation.

• Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Dehydration can slow down your digestive system, which is directly connected to your immune system.

• Consume probiotic rich foods such as kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh and yoghurt.

• Avoid sugary and processed foods that will cause inflammation and massively put strain on your immune system.

If you would like to know more about your diet and how it can support your immune system, or are looking for other ways to improve your Nutrition, you can book to Kelly here:

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