Top 8 Tips For a New YOU in 2022: A More Mindful You

One of the biggest topics of 2022 is the focus on our everyday mental health. We’re not just talking about depression and anxiety but the stress and ability (or inability) to focus in the modern world.

The two main factors that I’m going to discuss are social media and mindfulness – one a cause of our short attention span and one a cure.

First the cause (or one of them):  

Social media and the attention it demands from us, is definitely a modern Western issue. Johann Hari and his book Lost Connections explores how the modern way we “connect” with people online correlates with the rise of depression and anxiety.

Not only is social media demanding our attention, with a continuous stream of notifications, stories, and posts, but many of us now structure our lives around an Insta highlight reel - when someone else’s looks better, we feel unworthy in comparison – even if we don’t know them!

So, how can we manage our social media consumption, especially when so many aspects of our lives are now online, and the platforms have been made to purposefully suck us in! Our Top Tips include:

-        Turn off your notifications whilst you’re at work. Not seeing these pop-ups will stop you from being distracted by the light-up of your phone.

-        Put your phone away during mealtimes. This will allow you to become more connected with your family and friends or, if your own, become more mindful about your meals.

-        Prioritise time out with friends or doing the things you love (like getting a kick-ass gym session) over perfecting your Insta posts

-        Do the things you love because you love them, not because they make great posts!

-        Turn your phone to do not disturb and hour before bedtime

With this reduced social media time, were now going to look at the more positive ways we can focus our minds.

Mindfulness – a buzz word for the 2020’s or an actual practice that could help towards the New You in 2022?

We see and hear the word mindfulness all over the show, from celebs to business owners, yoga guru’s and Mum’s group – but what does it actually mean and how can we get a bit of this new life-changing practice?

To start, mindfulness is certainly not a new concept being traced as far back as the fifth century BC within Buddah’s teachings. One of the most used definitions from Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, from the University of Massachusetts Medical School is that mindfulness is: “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.”

During mindfulness you will:

-        Focus the attention on one thing, usually the breath

-        Become aware of the body’s sensations, usually with a body scan

-        Become more aware of our emotions and letting them pass through our minds, usually done with a guided talk

Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere and by anyone, from 5-min break from your work desk to a one-hour Yin Yoga class.

Yin Yoga combines mindfulness with poses that stretch the body. Each pose is held for 4-6 mins, followed by Shavasana (laying on your back) to re-set the body between poses. The longer held poses allow you to focus the body, mind and breath and become present in the moment and take control of those distracting thoughts.

Could you be a more Mindful you in 2022? Why not take advantage of our Train Free in Feb offer and try out one of our Yoga classes! See the full Group Fitness Timetable here.

Take a deep breath and we look forward to seeing a more peaceful you very soon!

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